Before choosing wholesale drum covers and lids such as a 55 gallon drum cover or 55 gallon drum lid, know where your drums are to be stored, outside or inside. Storing drums outside the plant saves valuable space, but they need protection from the elements, especially from water and sunlight. Consider plastic covers for them.
However, if you are also storing drums inside, you need to know whether the drums will be stacked. Not to mention, there's the universal case of needing to know the impact of what product materials you store in the container.
So, let's break those factors down:
The Drum Covers and Lids Materials & Which Is Best Geared For Certain Drum Inner Contents
Plastic Drum Covers and Drum Lids
Plastic Drum Covers and Lids are better served for outside settings because they can avoid corrosion brought on by the air elements (like rainwater) on top of shielding products from dirt, dust, moisture, insects, and other contaminants. This makes them ideal for the protection of electronics, chemicals, inks, paints, pharmaceuticals, and food.
Typically being made of low density polyethylene (LDPE) helps this particular material of drum covers and lids to perform these elements so well. Why? LDPE is a standard for lids because it is very flexible and moldable in comparison to more rigid high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that is usually reserved for the body of plastic containers like pails that need to be sturdy or for pullover covers that protect groups of drums on pallets stored outside, keeping rain and other contaminants out of the containment sump. The fitted, heavy gauge vinyl and HDPE cover resists UV and temperature extremes. On the other end, LDPE is used for lids because its flexibility allows for maneuverability that is required with such a frequently opened item for filling and accessing inner drum contents.
Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE), is similar to LDPE, but LLDPE boasts higher tensile strength and puncture resistance, so it is another common plastic drum cover and plastic drum lid source.
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