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Performance characteristics of steel drums - 翻译中...

Although the application of steel drums has only a history of more than 100 years, it has developed rapidly and has a wide variety of varieties, which are widely used in industrial product packaging, transportation packaging and sales packaging, mainly because steel drums have the following performance characteristics:

1, the steel drum has excellent mechanical properties and high strength, so the steel drum container can be made into a thin-walled, high compressive strength, and not easy to break the packaging container. This makes the safety of the packaged products have a reliable guarantee, and easy to store, transport, loading and unloading and use.

2, the processing performance of steel drums is excellent, the processing technology is mature, and can be continuous and automated production. Steel drums have good ductility and strength, can be rolled into a variety of thickness sheet, foil, sheet can be pressed, rolled, stretched, welded into different shapes and sizes of packaging containers.

3, the steel drum has excellent comprehensive protection performance. The water vapor transmission rate of steel is very low, completely opaque, and can effectively avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Its gas resistance, moisture resistance, light shading and quality is much more than plastic, paper and other types. Therefore, steel drums can maintain the quality of goods for a long time, which is especially important for food packaging.

4, the steel drum has a special metallic luster, but also easy to print decoration, so that the appearance of the goods can be luxurious, beautiful and marketable.

5, steel barrel resources are rich, energy consumption and cost is relatively low. And has repeated recyclability, from the perspective of environmental protection, is the ideal green.

Although the steel drum has the above characteristics, it also has shortcomings. Mainly: poor chemical stability, corrosion resistance is not as good as plastic and glass, especially ordinary steel is easy to rust. Therefore, steel drums must be covered with a layer of anti-rust substances on the surface to prevent corrosion damage from the outside world and the packaged material, but also to prevent the pollution of harmful substances in steel to commodities, such as steel in varying degrees of heavy metal Pb, Sn, etc. These heavy metal ions can work with commodities, especially food, not only pollute food, but also pollute food. And these heavy metal ions are more harmful to human body.


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No.58 Qinjian Road, Hengshan Industrial Park, Shouchang Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, China