Steel drums are commonly used containers for storing and transporting liquid chemicals. However, electrochemical reactions can occur between the liquid and the steel plate, causing corrosion, damage, and rupture of the steel drum. To solve this problem, zinc washers and plugs are widely used to protect steel drums.
Zinc plugs, also known as zinc closures, are sealing plugs for steel drums that resemble small screw fasteners. Because they have a high potential difference and a small standard potential between metals, they can act as anticorrosive agents in the liquid. At the same time, zinc plugs can also form a passivating film inside the steel drum, effectively slowing down the corrosion rate of the steel drum.
For steel drums that typically contain corrosive substances, a commonly used zinc plug is thegalvanized drum plug. The galvanized drum plug is an aluminum connecting piece that works in combination with the zinc plug to more effectively prevent corrosion of the steel drum and improve its durability. In addition, the galvanized drum plug has excellent sealing and high temperature resistance properties, making it suitable for use in various industries including chemicals, paints, and coatings.
In summary, zinc plugs andgalvanized drum plugsare indispensable anticorrosive equipment for storing and transporting liquid chemicals in steel drums. By using these devices, the quality of the liquid can be ensured, and the service life of the steel drum can be extended, reducing safety accidents.
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