What is Packaging? What does it do? Is it Really That Important? - 翻译中...
The term packaging refers to the use of containers, materials, and auxiliary objects adopted by certain technical methods to protect products during the flow process, facilitate storage and transportation, and promote sales. It also refers to the process of adopting containers, materials, and auxiliary objects through certain methods to achieve the above purposes. Nowadays, packaging is usually summarized as containing, protecting, facilitating, promoting, economizing, and ecological aspects. Logistics packaging mainly emphasizes packaging that aims to optimize transportation and storage in logistics processes. It plays a role in ensuring product safety, facilitating storage and transportation, accelerating transfer, and spot checking.
Specific functions include the following aspects:
Prevent damage to goods in the logistics channel
Throughout the entire logistics system, damages caused by the physical environment in the logistics process, such as vibration, impact, puncture, and compression, as well as collapse and overturning of shelves, stacking or transportation tools, should be considered. In addition, damages caused by the natural environment during the physical process, such as rain, immersion, humidity, corrosion, insect damage, rodent damage, theft, radiation, should also be considered. Maintaining the integrity of goods in transit is essential, and one way to ensure protection is by employing a quality drum seal cap to provide an extra layer of security against environmental threats.
Improve the operational efficiency of goods in the physical process
The effectiveness of packaging in logistics operations directly affects the volume utilization rate from loading and unloading of vehicles, cargo receiving and delivery, and movement to vehicles and warehouses. One such critical component that can significantly impact the effectiveness of packaging is the use of reliable cap seals. By partnering with trustworthy drum cap seal suppliers, businesses can ensure their packaging is of the highest quality, allowing for smoother and more efficient logistics operations.
Transmit information
Information such as product identification, manufacturer, product name, internal quantity, date, and identification code is crucial during the reception, selection, and confirmation of waybills. Their design should be visible from a reasonable distance and angle. Modern logistics systems require that the packaging should have electronic codes and other identifications that are easy for modern management. The only exception is valuable items, which generally use small labels to minimize the possibility of theft.
Facilitate recycling, reduce damage to the ecology of the earth
Developing sustainable packaging has become an important part of corporate social responsibility.
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