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Drum closure from chongyi industries - 翻译中...

The products introduced today are mainly barrel plugs, and drum closure have other names, drum covers, drum plugs. Chongyi is one of the manufacturers specializing in drum closure in China, with more than 30 years of history and manufacturing experience, we provide our products to the domestic market and most countries abroad. In the drum closure market, we have a strong competitiveness and advantages. Next, I will briefly introduce our company's barrel stopper.

drum closure can be roughly divided into three types, including steel drum plugs, plastic drum plugs and flex spout caps. The steel drum flanges and closure have two types of galvanized and phenolic paint, which can prevent various corrosive substances. The caps are equipped with well-formulated EPID Iene rubber, nitrile rubber or polyethylene gaskets, different materials make them perform well in different filling conditions. Dual gasket systems are another common choice in the European region, as two combined gaskets can be sealed more securely. Plastic plugs are available in different sizes and thread designs to meet the different sealing requirements of steel drums and plastic drums. Steel drums require plastic stoppers with fine threads that comply with the same standards as steel drums stoppers. Plastic drums typically require 2 "and 3/4" NPT or 2 "NPS or 2" support plastic plugs.

The most common raw material for plastic plugs is PP, and nylon material is made for fire and explosion protection. The type of washer used depends on the contents of the barrel. The plastic stopper comes with high temperature, chemical and oil resistant gaskets. Plastic nozzle covers are usually used for small metal or plastic containers. Its main function is to help accurately distribute liquid products. The main feature of this lid is its flexible nozzle. Applications for plastic caps include petroleum packaging, paint packaging and chemical packaging.

The design of these flex spout caps varies depending on the type of container and the contents inside. The common plastic nozzle cover is composed of two parts, one is the upper pull ring cover, and the other is the lower flexible nozzle. There are usually plastic spout covers in different colors for customers to choose from.If you are interested in our drum closure, please feel free to contact me, thank you for reading.


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No.58 Qinjian Road, Hengshan Industrial Park, Shouchang Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, China